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When Do I Need To Hire An Accident Attorney In San José?

When Should I Hire A San Jose Accident Attorney?

San José Personal Injury Attorney

Renée Yvonne Gardner

After an accident, you have to do several things such as:

  1. Call 911 to file a police report.
  2. Go and see a doctor; you need to seek medical attention

To help you, I prepared a list of Santa Clara County emergency rooms.

The information on this page also applies to people who got hurt in ALL of the 12 Counties Where I Work, including Santa Clara County.

But, when do I have to talk to an attorney about my accident case?

Seek the advice of a good attorney as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if the accident occurred in San José or elsewhere in the 12 counties where I handle injury cases. My advice is the same.

Allow me to introduce myself:

I am Attorney Renée Yvonne Gardner, a San José attorney, and the founder of Gardner Law. I am the attorney who is here; I handle serious accidents, collisions and more. For the past 15 years, I have represented people injured in accidents and collisions, including those involving alcohol, drugs or death

I'll bet that right now, you are worried because you don't know what to do and what will happen to you, and your family, if your case is not resolved soon. You are in a lot of pain, you may not be able to work, you have medical bills and the insurance company wants you to talk to them and you don't know if it is a good idea to do so.

This is why I am here to serve you.

I know that insurance companies have a bad reputation, because they want to settle cases with a very low settlement, or even better get away without paying. Many times, the insurance company speaks nicely, very polite, sympathetic, and even in Spanish to Spanish speaking claimants. The insurance knows just what to say to put you at ease. But remember that insurance companies are only interested in their profits. When you suffer a personal injury, whether from a car accident, bicycle accident, pedestrian accident, dog bite, and more, it is important to contact and consult with an experienced serious accident attorney as soon as possible.

Before communicating with any insurance company, even your own, you should seek the advice of a good attorney before you decide whether or not to pursue a claim.

Of course, your family, friends, co-workers have opinions about what you should do. You may look on Google to try and figure it all out.

But it is best to speak directly with an experienced accident and serious injury attorney. It may not seem like it, but the truth is the law is not simple. Your case may be complicated now or in the future. You have to meet all of the requirements if you want to have a chance of winning your case.

The biggest problem is that you may not know how to handle your own case. This is why attorneys are required to have a license to practice law. Many times an accident victim feels that everything is fine, that the insurance company will be fair and pay the claim. The truth is that the insurance company does not want to pay, or will offer to pay very little to get your case off their desk.

Thinking they are saving the expense of paying for a good attorney, some people try to handle their own claims with the insurance company. Then it becomes necessary to find an attorney late in the game, when the case is about to go to court, a step that the client finally recognizes is definitely out of reach. It is difficult to find a attorney who will accept a case that the client themselves have damaged by their own mishandling.

Talk to an attorney before you do anything besides: calling 911 and seek medical care. My name is Renée Yvonne Gardner. I am the attorney at Gardner Law. I speak Spanish - hablo español. I have experience with personal injury and wrongful death accident. If you had an accident or got bitten by a dog, reach out to me here: message me here.

Please visit our "Consultations" page to learn if a consultation fee is required. If it is, please pay it now, to receive a response to your contact. Kindly note that stand-alone consultations are unavailable for small claims court assistance. Thank you.
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I am based in Santa Clara County but I represent injured people in these 12 California Counties:

 Alameda County ○ Contra Costa County ○ Fresno County ○ Marin County ○ Merced County ○ Monterey County ○ San Benito County ○ San Francisco County ○ San Joaquin County ○ San Mateo County ○ Santa Clara County ○ Santa Cruz County

Contact Renée Today

For one-on-one and personalized representation in serious personal injury or death cases, or streamlined and efficient small claims court assistance for your consumer issue, I'm here to serve you.
