Cherry blossoms in Fresno. March 18, 2021. Credit: Samantha Lara
Living in Fresno means you're not too far from some of the most beautiful places in California. Kings Canyon National Park, Sequoia National Park, and of course the crown jewel of Yosemite National Park.
Fresno is the fifth-most populous city in California. It's almost in the center of California; around 170 miles south of Sacramento, 220 miles north of Los Angeles, and 185 miles southeast of San Francisco. Fresno is the county seat of Fresno County, California. Fresno means “ash tree” in Spanish.
Fresno State University serves the richly diverse region of Central California.
Because Fresno has distinct neighborhoods, anyone can feel right at home in Fresno. Here are some Fresno neighborhoods:
- Central Fresno: Essentially, this is Downtown Fresno, it's very walkable to the Fresno Convention and Entertainment Center. Primarily young adults rather than families.
- Hoover: A bit further out onto the outskirts of Fresno, Hoover schools perform well. There are many unique shops and restaurants along East Shaw Avenue. Good for families.
- McLane: When it comes to Fresno's economy, McLane can be described as the “center of the action” in Fresno. McLane is near Downtown Fresno and the Tower District, and Fresno Yosemite airport is in McLane.
- Woodward Park: On the outskirts of the city with plenty of open space, access to parks, a much lower population density, and quiet, tree-lined streets. A rural neighborhood, it is good for families and has some of the best schools in Fresno. Woodward Park is around 10 minutes from Central Fresno.
Did you know that when it comes to auto accidents in Fresno, 8 out of 10 happen on a state highway!
Check out these Fresno numbers from UC Berkeley's Transportation Injury Mapping System for the three year period of 2017 to 2019:
- Total number of crashes were 1,988
- Total people killed were 131
- Total people who suffered injuries were 2,809
- 84.8% of accidents happened on a Fresno State Highway (1,685 crashes).
- 5.0% of Fresno accidents involve a motorcycle (99 crashes).
- 4.9% of Fresno accidents involved pedestrians (97 crashes).
- Just 1.3% of Fresno accidents involved a bicycle (26 crashes).
Most Fresno Accidents Are Rear-Enders
Here's the breakdown:
- Rear-Ender - 1,028 • 87.12%
- Hit Object - 363 • 30.76%
- Sideswipe - 197 • 16.69%
- Broadside (t-bone) - 155 • 13.14%
- Overturned - 105 • 8.90%
- Vehicle/Pedestrian - 87 • 7.37%
- Head-On - 27 • 2.29%
- Other - 25 • 2.12%
- Not Stated - 1 • 0.08%
Most Fresno Accidents Involve Speeding
Speeding is the number one law that gets broken in Fresno when someone gets hurt in an auto accident. The number one rule of the road that gets broken is speeding. Number two is illegal turning movements, like making a u-turn where the sign says no u-turns. The third top rule is failing to yield the right of way to others out on the road.
Here are all the rules of the road and how often they come into play in Fresno crashes:
- Unsafe Speed - 476 • 40.41%
- Improper Turning - 125 • 10.61%
- Automobile Right of Way - 119 • 10.10%
- Traffic Signals and Signs - 102 • 8.66%
- DUI - Auto or Bicycle - 66 • 5.60%
- Unsafe Lane Change - 61 • 5.18%
- Wrong Side of Road - 55 • 4.67%
- Unknown - 54 • 4.58%
- Pedestrian Right of Way - 41 • 3.48%
- Pedestrian Violation - 27 • 2.29%
- Unsafe Starting or Backing - 12 • 1.02%
- Other Hazardous Violation - 11 • 0.93%
- Other Than Driver (or Pedestrian) - 9 • 0.76%
- Following Too Closely - 7 • 0.59%
- Improper Passing - 7 • 0.59%
- Other Improper Driving - 5 • 0.42%
- Other Equipment - 1 • 0.08%
Fresno Arterials
Arterials move traffic within neighborhoods, from neighborhood to other neighborhoods, and in and out of freeways and expressways.
Here are some of Fresno’s arterials where crashes happen.

Many of Fresno's dangerous highways cross these Fresno arterials, compounding the danger of these intersections:
1. Marks Avenue - north of Whitesbridge Avenue, Marks Avenue crosses SR 180
2. Elm Avenue - 41 runs parallel for part of Elm Avenue. Elm Avenue becomes B Street which connects to Ventura Avenue, accessing SR 99.
3. Fresno Street - connects to Downtown Fresno
4. California Avenue - becomes Ventura Street as it travels eastward into Downtown Fresno.
5. Jensen Avenue - crosses SR 41 and SR 99.
6. North Avenue - crosses SR 41 and SR 99.
If you got hurt in Fresno, I can help. Here are some of the Fresno crash types that I can handle:
- Bicycle Accidents
- Bus Accidents
- Car Accidents
- Drunk Or Drugged Driver Accidents
- Hit And Run Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Pedestrian Accidents
- Truck (Tractor-trailer) Accidents
- Uninsured Motorist Accidents
Were you in an accident on Blackstone Avenue, Cedar Avenue, Clinton Avenue, First Street, Fresno Street, Gettysburg Avenue, Herndon Avenue
Shaw Avenue, or the most dangerous highway in the United States, SR-99?
If so, you're not alone.
Even though you're a careful driver, if someone else is careless, you can end up injured in an accident
What is the most dangerous road in Fresno?
Fresno's State Route 99 holds the number one spot on the list of the most dangerous roads in the United States.
Fresno ranks number four on the list of the five most dangerous roads in the United States.
Where do accidents happen in Fresno?
Fresno is home to the most dangerous highway in the US, SR-99. And Fresno is number 4 out of 5 top US places to get in a wreck.
Besides SR-99, people also get into accidents and get hurt in Fresno's Blackstone Avenue, County Routes J1, J19, and J40, and State Routes SR-33, SR-41, SR-43, SR-63, SR-145, SR-168, SR-180, SR-198, SR-201, SR-245 and SR-269
Here is the contact information for the Fresno Police Department in case you need to reach them regarding the accident:
Fresno Police Department
2323 Mariposa St., Rm. 2075
Fresno, CA 93721-2202
Non-Emergency (559) 621-7000
What Ahould I Do After A Fresno accident?
Call 911 and wait for the police to show up at the accident scene so they can take a police report. Follow these tips on what to do after an accident.
Accept the ride to the hospital so you can get checked out right away.
If the ambulance does not show up, here's a list of hospitals with emergency rooms in Fresno County who can check you out after your Fresno accident.
After you've been in a motor vehicle accident, you may be injured, exhausted and worried. Someone else wasn't careful and now you're injured. You may also be without transportation because now it's so damaged you can't drive it.
Just as soon as you can, contact a good Fresno accident attorney. Unless your Fresno accident is minor, when it comes to being injured and demanding justice, you're better off with an attorney than without one.
I'm Renée Yvonne Gardner. I am the founder, owner and attorney at the Fresno personal injury law office Gardner Law.
Whether a car slammed into you on McKinley and Del Rey and you've got a brain injury, an 18-wheeler ran the Dicksenson and Kearney stop sign and broke your arm, your neck is hurt since the truck crossing Peach and North hit you, or a texting Uber driver hit you hard on Fowler and American Avenue and you can't get it out of your mind - - you're in pain and you need help now.
If you got hurt in the City of Fresno, please call me at (408) 214-5555 or here:
Besides the City of Fresno, I help injured people in these surrounding areas:
Auberry ˙ Big Creek ˙ Biola ˙ Bowles ˙ Calwa ˙ Cantua Creek ˙ Caruthers ˙ Centerville ˙ Clovis ˙ Coalinga ˙ Del Rey ˙ Easton ˙ Firebaugh ˙ Fort Washington ˙ Fowler ˙ Friant ˙ Huron ˙ Kerman ˙ Kingsburg ˙ Lanare ˙ Laton ˙ Malaga, Mayfair ˙ Mendota, Minkler, Monmouth ˙ Old Fig Garden ˙ Orange Cove ˙ Parlier ˙ Raisin City ˙ Reedley ˙ Riverdale ˙ San Joaquin ˙ Sanger ˙ Selma ˙ Shaver Lake ˙ Squaw Valley ˙ Sunnyside ˙ Tarpey Village ˙ Three Rocks ˙ Tranquility ˙ West Park ˙ Westside
Fresno crash data provided by: Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), Safe Transportation Research and Education Center, University of California, Berkeley. 2021