Contact Me Today 408-214-5555

Sanger Auto Accident Personal Injury Attorney






Sanger is the "Nation's Christmas Tree City", bringing it local, national and international acclaim. 

In Grant Grove at the Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park, the General Grant Tree has stood for around 2,000 to 4,000 years. This tree was officially dedicated as the “Nation's Christmas Tree” in 1926, by the United States Department of the Interior.

The General Grant Tree is both a National Shrine and a perpetual shrine to honor the members of the United States military who are killed at war.

Since 1926, on the second Sunday in December, an annual Christmas tradition happens at the General Grant Tree.  It draws in  Sanger residents and people from far and wide.

A wreath is laid at the foot of the tree, people pray and honor this magnificent wonder of nature. Sanger Police Officers still wear a patch on their unforms, celebrating Sanger's title of "The Nation's Christmas Tree City".

Sanger is also the hometown of Tom Flores, four-time Super Bowl champion.

If you got injured in Sanger, please reach out to me by calling (408) 214-5555 or fill out this form:

Please visit our "Consultations" page to learn if a consultation fee is required. If it is, please pay it now, to receive a response to your contact. Thank you.
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What's The Most Common Type of Sanger Auto Accident?

Broadsides Are The Number One Sanger Crash Type

When it comes to getting hit in Sanger, broadsides are the number one cause - - they're 39.66% of all crashes!

Broadsides are when someone's front end crashes into someone else's side, forming a letter "t". These are also known as t-bone accidents.
Coming in second are rear-enders, comprising 23.79% of all crashes. 
Type of Sanger Crash
Broadside 115 39.66%
Rear End 69 23.79%
Vehicle/Pedestrian 28 9.66%
Sideswipe 22 7.59%
Head-On 19 6.55%
Hit Object 16 5.52%
Other 11 3.79%
Overturned 8 2.76%
Not Stated 2 0.69%
  • Academy and North Avenue: 20 crashes
  • Academy and Edgar Avenue: 6 crashes
  • Academy and 8th. Street: 3 crashes
  • Academy and 6th. Street: 6 crashes
  • Academy and 11th. Street: 6 crashes

This is a total of 41 of Sanger's 290 crashes during this time period crashes.

Driving too fast is the number one traffic law that gets broken right before a Sanger crash. Here are the other rules of the road that get broken in Sanger crashes, from most to least common:

Traffic Law Broken Right Before A Sanger Crash
Unsafe Speed 80 27.78%
Automobile Right of Way 70 24.31%
Traffic Signals and Signs 39 13.54%
Improper Turning 27 9.38%
DUI or Bicycling Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drug    15 5.21%
Wrong Side of Road 13 4.51%
Pedestrian Violation 11 3.82%
Unknown 9 3.13%
Pedestrian Right of Way 8 2.78%
Other Hazardous Violation 4 1.39%
Unsafe Starting or Backing 4 1.39%
Unsafe Lane Change 2 0.69%
Impeding Traffic 1 0.35%
Following Too Closely 1 0.35%
Improper Passing 1 0.35%
Brakes 1 0.35%
Other Than Driver (or Pedestrian) 1 0.35%
Other Improper Driving 1 0.35%

Where Can I Get My Sanger Accident Police Report?

Here is the contact information for the Sanger Police Department in case you need to reach them regarding the accident:

Sanger Police Department
1700 7th Street
SangerCA 93657
Non-emergency: (559) 875-8521


But, if your accident happened on the highway, then the Fresno CHP might be the one who has your report.

Here's the CHP that generally handles Sanger highway accidents:

CHP Fresno Area Office
1380 East Fortune Avenue
Fresno, CA 93725-1958
Phone: (559) 705-2200


Do Most Sanger Auto Accident Cases Go To Court?

Many Sanger auto accident and injury accident cases get resolved without going to court. Other cases are fought through the court.

B. F. Sisk Courthouse
1130 O Street
Fresno, CA 93721-2220


What Should I Do After A Sanger Accident?

Call 911 and wait for the police to show up at the accident scene so they can take a police report.

Follow these tips on what to do after an accident.

Be sure to accept the ambulance ride to the hospital so you can get checked out right away.

If the ambulance does not show up, here's a list of hospitals with emergency rooms in Fresno County who can check you out after your Reedley accident.

After you've been in a Sanger accident, you may be injured, exhausted and worried.
Someone else wasn't careful and now you're injured. You may also be without transportation because now it's so damaged you can't drive it.

Just as soon as you can, contact me, a good Sanger accident attorney, Renee Yvonne Gardner.

Please visit our "Consultations" page to learn if a consultation fee is required. If it is, please pay it now, to receive a response to your contact. Thank you.
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Unless your Sanger accident is minor, when it comes to being injured and demanding justice, you're better off with an attorney than without one.

Why? Because people who are represented by attorneys generally recover much bigger settlements than those who represent themselves.

I'm Renée Yvonne Gardner, the founder, owner and attorney at the Sanger personal injury law office Gardner Law.

If you got hurt in Sanger, please call me at (408) 214-5555 or here: message me. I want to help you.

Sanger accident data source: Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), Safe Transportation Research and Education CenterUniversity of California, Berkeley. 2021

Contact Renée Today

For one-on-one and personalized representation in serious personal injury or death cases, or streamlined and efficient small claims court assistance for your consumer issue, I'm here to serve you.
