Contact Me Today 408-214-5555


Free consultations:

One free consultation for most serious personal injury (people who are seriously injured in auto accidents) or wrongful death (caused by an auto accident) cases, or other cases of people seriously injured in the accidents of the types handled by Gardner Law. The person with the accident must be the person seeking representation. Kindly note that I do not accept workers compensation related death or injury cases.

All first consultations are by phone. Not every personal injury and/or wrongful death case will qualify for a free consultation; some will require the below payment. All small claims court assistance consultations require a fee.

Paid consultations:

All other consultations require a $225 * non-refundable flat fee to consult (up to 30 minutes) with one person only; the person who has the legal case. PayPal's processing fee is automatically added to your $225 payment. The person with whom the consultation will occur is the person who seeks legal services or assistance for their own legal case. No document review.

Payments are only accepted through PayPal by clicking the yellow Buy Now button:

**Payments - By paying the above consultation fee, you expressly agree to the terms and conditions on this webpage. You also expressly consent to allow PayPal to directly receive their 4.66% processing fee ($10.48) prior to Gardner Law receiving the consultation fee ($225). PayPal's $4.66% processing fee ($10.48) is automatically added to the $225 consultation fee "Buy Now" payment link. The total required payment is $235.48. Payments are only accepted via PayPal. If you do not wish to pay the 4.66% PayPal processing fee, a paid consultation is unavailable to you.**

**Consultation - You must be prepared for the consultation phone call. While I cannot give you specific advice on how to handle your legal case without being formally retained, I will let you know how and if I can assist you with your legal issue. The consultation call is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes and does not include: my review of any documents, preparation nor assistance regarding the preparation of any documents. A formal, signed writing between us, setting forth the specific scope of my representation, and my fee, is required: 1) before any representation is undertaken by me and 2) before any legal services or assistance beyond a consultation can be rendered by me to you. Neither your payment for a consultation, nor the occurrence of a consultation itself, mean that I represent you.**

Further terms and conditions will apply to representation or assistance

Last modified: 01/04/2024

Contact Renée Today

For one-on-one and personalized representation in serious personal injury or death cases, or streamlined and efficient small claims court assistance for your consumer issue, I'm here to serve you.
