Contact Me Today 408-214-5555

Walnut Creek Car Accident Personal Injury Attorney






Did you know that Walnut Creek is one of the most desirable cities in the U.S.?

Walnut Creek is known as the Jewel of the East Bay, and for good reason.

Walnut Creek has the small town charm of a tight-knit community, yet it's still in the heart of the Bay Area, close to San Francisco and San Jose.

Walnut Creek has preserved thousands of acres of open space for the use and enjoyment of residents (of all species!) and visitors alike.

The City of Walnut Creek Open Space division manages over 3,000 acres of open space, set aside to preserve natural resources, protect wildlife habitat and corridors, and provide recreation opportunities. Here are the

  • Acalanes Ridge
  • Borges Ranch
  • Howe Homestead Park
  • Lyme Ridge
  • Sugarloaf
  • Shell Ridge: The largest open space area. Includes 1,420 acres of open space and 31 miles of trails, is close to downtown Walnut Creek and continues all the way to Mount Diablo.


Were you rear-ended in Walnut Creek and was the other person speeding?

If so, you're not alone. When it comes to auto accidents in Walnut Creek, almost half of the time, they're rear-enders and most accidents involve speeding.

The next three most common Walnut Creek accident types are broadsides (t-bone crashes), hitting an object or getting sideswiped.

Here are the numbers per UC Berkeley's Transportation Injury Mapping System:

2017-2019 Walnut Creek Auto Accidents
Type of Crash / Percentage

  • Rear-End • 43.93%
  • Broadside • 18.93%
  • Hit Object • 10.21%
  • Sideswipe • 9.47%
  • Vehicle/Pedestrian • 6.95%
  • Head-On • 4.88%
  • Overturned • 2.37%
  • Other • 2.37%
  • Not Stated • 0.89%

Unsafe speed played a part in most Walnut Creek crashes - a whopping 35.67% of the Walnut Creek accidents involved someone who was speeding.

If you were injured in Walnut Creek, it's a good idea to hire an experienced and knowledgeable Walnut Creek auto accident personal injury attorney.

I am Renée Yvonne Gardner and I fight accident and injury cases. I have been the voice of injured clients for 15 years.

I have dedicated my career to fighting for people who get injured in Walnut Creek and the nearby areas.

Walnut Creek personal injury clients, please call me at (408) 214-5555 or here: 

Please visit our "Consultations" page to learn if a consultation fee is required. If it is, please pay it now, to receive a response to your contact. Kindly note that stand-alone consultations are unavailable for small claims court assistance. Thank you.
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If you got hurt in Walnut Creek, keep in mind that it's important to hire a good attorney from the start.

The insurance adjuster is not your friend - even your own insurance company will look for the cheapest way to get rid of your claim. After you get injured, it's important to seek medical care right away. Some injuries can only be found by a doctor. Other injuries get worse if they don't get treated on time.

If you suffered personal injuries in Walnut Creek, here are the Contra Costa County emergency rooms where you can get checked out 24 hours a day. Please scroll down the list to find Walnut Creek.

Do Most Walnut Creek Auto Accident Cases Go To Court?

Many Walnut Creek injury accident cases get resolved without going to court. Other cases have to be fought through the court.

In Walnut Creek, injury accident cases get filed and handled in the Civil Division of the Contra Costa County Courts. In 1998, all Contra Costa County Trial Courts were unified to form the Contra Costa County Superior Court.

This happened because the voters approved a constitutional amendment letting Contra Costa County judges merge their superior and municipal courts. Before then, superior court and municipal court were separate.

Currently, Walnut Creek auto accident and injury cases are heard at the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse in Martinez, California.

Accident and injury cases are called civil cases, unless they happen at work. If they happen at work, they're called workers compensation.

If you got hurt in Walnut Creek, I can help. Here are some of the Walnut Creek crash types that I can handle:

If you are going to fight your Walnut Creek injury case in court, our civil case will be heard at this courthouse:

Wakefield Taylor Courthouse
725 Court Street
Martinez, CA 94553-1201
(925) 608-1000

Civil Division Clerk's Office is in Room 103

The Wakefield Taylor Courthouse civil court hears auto accident and personal injury cases that happened in:

  • Antioch
  • Brentwood
  • Clayton
  • Concord
  • Danville
  • El Cerrito
  • Hercules
  • Lafayette
  • Martinez
  • Moraga
  • Oakley
  • Orinda
  • Pinole
  • Pittsburg
  • Pleasant Hill
  • Richmond
  • San Pablo
  • San Ramon
  • Walnut Creek

If you were injured in a Walnut Creek accident, please contact me for a free consultation at (408) 214-5555 or here: message me here.

Please visit our "Consultations" page to learn if a consultation fee is required. If it is, please pay it now, to receive a response to your contact. Kindly note that stand-alone consultations are unavailable for small claims court assistance. Thank you.
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Here are just some of the injuries I handle in Walnut Creek and the surrounding areas:

Here is the contact information for the Walnut Creek Police Department in case you need to reach them regarding the accident:

Walnut Creek Police Department
1666 North Main Street
Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4609
Non-emergency: (925) 943-5844


If you got hurt in Walnut Creek and need a good attorney now, who will fight for you, please call me now at (408) 214-5555 or send me a message send me a message.

Let's talk about your case - the consultation is free.

My name is Renée Yvonne Gardner

I am a personal injury attorney. 

I am the founder, owner and attorney of Gardner Law, a Walnut Creek personal auto accident and injury law office. 

I represent people with personal injury and wrongful death cases in Contra Costa County.

Please visit our "Consultations" page to learn if a consultation fee is required. If it is, please pay it now, to receive a response to your contact. Kindly note that stand-alone consultations are unavailable for small claims court assistance. Thank you.
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Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), Safe Transportation Research and Education CenterUniversity of California, Berkeley. 2021

Contact Renée Today

For one-on-one and personalized representation in serious personal injury or death cases, or streamlined and efficient small claims court assistance for your consumer issue, I'm here to serve you.
