Can I Make A Claim For My Disfigurement Caused By An Accident?
Many personal injuries resolve without a permanent and visible change to the injured person's body. But, there are some serious personal injuries that result in permanent disfigurement and/or scarring that never goes away. Examples of these disfiguring and scarring injuries include:
- traumatic amputation
- broken bones (example: facial fractures, arm, collar bone or wrist that heals crooked)
- dog bites
- organ damage, like losing an eye
- scars from burns
- mobility problems caused by burn scars
What is disfigurement?
Disfigurement is any kind of visible and permanent physical change that negatively affects a person's appearance after an accident.
What are scars?
The visible aspects of scars are just the beginning. At times, the lingering emotional and psychological pain is even worse. Facial scars are especially traumatic because our face is front and center during all face-to-face interactions with other people.
Why are disfigurement and scars serious personal injuries?
Disfigurement and scars originate from injuries that are in and of themselves serious personal injuries. For example, dog bites, broken bones, and burns. Disfigurements and scars change the way we feel about ourselves. Every day is a constant reminder of the trauma that caused the visible aftermath. To a person who has a disfigurement or scar that was caused by a serious personal injury, there may be no such thing as putting an accident behind them. Why? Because they are constantly reminded of how the disfigurement or scar got there - a traumatic injury that changed their life.
Curious people may ask an accident survivor, “What happened to your [fill in the blank with the disfigured or scarred body part]?” An accident survivor has to choose between not telling the person or once again reliving what caused the now visible aftermath of the traumatic event.
A serious personal injury survivor may endure depression from having to endure a changed body. They may feel embarrassed to leave the house. They may suffer from depression in the way life is now versus the way it used to be. They may also suffer from PTSD every time they look at their deformity or scar, remembering just what happened that caused this ever-present reminder of significant trauma.
Can't surgery fix disfigurement and scars?
Not all disfigurement and scars can be surgically fixed to the point of bringing the accident survivor to the place where they were before the accident occurred. For example, there is no way to erase the daily pain of the loss of a limb. Dog bites often leave scars and not all of them can be reduced with treatment. A facial injury where bones break and an organ is damaged or lost, like an eye, may never be able to return to its pre-accident appearance.
If a broken bone heals crooked, it can be worse to break it again and reset it than it is to live with the deformity that currently exists. Scars from burns are not always fully treatable. Severe scarring isn't just cosmetic; it can cause loss of mobility. Tight, scarred skin from burns can put pressure on muscles and tendons, creating painful and visible mobility problems. Corrective surgery is also expensive, not guaranteed to produce the desired results, and can result in even more time off work and rehabilitation.
Can I Make A Claim For My Disfigurement Caused By An Accident?
Survivors of serious personal injury accidents have the right to seek damages against the person or entity that left them with deformity and/or scarring. Survivors can seek vindication for the lifelong physical and psychological pain they may have to endure, by making a claim for disfigurement, and holding the wrongdoers to account by filing a lawsuit if necessary.
Do I Need To Hire An Attorney for My Scar Case?
You should be compensated for having to live with a deformity or scar. These are complex cases and it's best to hire an attorney to fight for you. Unlike minor accident cases, where it is possible to represent yourself, it is absolutely inadvisable to handle your disfigurement or scar case on your own. I became an attorney to champion these types of serious cases when the negligence or recklessness of someone causes my client to suffer permanent deformity or scarring. I will work hard to hold the responsible person accountable for their unfair and preventable actions which left you with an ever-present loss. I will take on your burden as if it is my own.
Please call me (408) 214-5555 or message me here:
I am based in Santa Clara County but I represent wrongful death cases in these 12 California Counties:
○ Alameda County ○ Contra Costa County ○ Fresno County ○ Marin County ○ Merced County ○ Monterey County ○ San Benito County ○ San Francisco County ○ San Joaquin County ○ San Mateo County ○ Santa Clara County ○ Santa Cruz County
None of the information on this website of Attorney Renée Yvonne Gardner is offered as medical advice.
If you have been injured in any type of accident, please seek immediate medical attention and follow the advice of your doctor.