Contact Me Today 408-214-5555

Salinas Car Accident Personal Injury Attorney






Salinas is the county seat of Monterey County. Salinas is the most populous Monterey County city. Salinas is located at the mouth of the Salinas Valley, around eight miles from the Pacific Ocean. The climate in Salinas is heavily influenced by the ocean.

Salinas is an ideal place to grow flowers, grapes, and vegetables. Its incredible agricultural industry led to Salinas' nickname of the “Salad Bowl of the World”.

World-famous writer John Steinbeck was born in Salinas. Steinbeck set many of his stories in the Salinas Valley and Monterey.

Persons of Hispanic origin make up the majority of the population of Salinas, but it also has a significant Asian American population.


If you were injured in Salinas, it's a good idea to hire an experienced and knowledgeable Salinas auto accident personal injury attorney. I am Renée Yvonne Gardner. I have fought for injured clients for 15 years. I have dedicated my career to fighting for people who get injured in Salinas and and the nearby areas.

Salinas personal injury clients, please call me at (408) 214-5555 or here:

Please visit our "Consultations" page to learn if a consultation fee is required. If it is, please pay it now, to receive a response to your contact. Kindly note that stand-alone consultations are unavailable for small claims court assistance. Thank you.
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Were you in an accident at one of these Salinas intersections?

  • East Laurel Drive and Natividad Road
  • Boronda Road and Natividad Road
  • Boronda Road and McKinnon Street
  • East Alisal Street and Sanborn Road or
  • West Alisal Street and Salinas Street

If so, you're not alone.

These are some of the 5 most traffic prone intersections in Salinas, California.

If you got hurt in Salinas, keep in mind that it's important to hire a good attorney from the start. The insurance adjuster is not your friend - even your own insurance company will look for the cheapest way to get rid of your claim. After you get injured, it's important to seek medical care right away. Some injuries can only be found by a doctor. Other injuries get worse if they don't get treated on time.

If you suffered personal injuries in Salinas, here are the Monterey County emergency rooms where you can get checked out 24 hours a day.

Many injury accident cases get resolved without going to court.

Other cases have to be fought through the court.

In Salinas, injury accident cases get filed and handled in the Civil Division of the Monterey County Courts. In 1998, all Monterey County Trial Courts were unified to form the Monterey County Superior Court.

This happened because the voters approved a constitutional amendment letting Monterey County judges merge their superior and municipal courts. Before then, superior court and municipal court were separate.

Currently, Salinas auto accident and injury cases are heard in the court located in Monterey. Accident and injury cases are called civil cases, unless they happen at work. If they happen at work, they're called workers compensation.

If you got hurt in Salinas, I can help. Here are some of the Salinas crash types that I can handle:

If you are going to fight your Salinas injury case in court, and you were injured in Monterey County, your civil case will be heard at this courthouse:

Monterey County Superior Court
1200 Aguajito Road
Monterey, CA 93940-4887

(831) 647-5800

Website: Monterey County Superior Court

The Monterey civil court hears injury and accident cases that happened in these places:

  • Del Rey Oaks
  • Gonzales
  • Greenfield
  • King City
  • Marina
  • Monterey
  • Pacific Grove
  • Salinas
  • Sand City
  • Seaside
  • Soledad

If you were injured in Salinas, please contact me for a free consultation at (408) 214-5555 or here: message me here.

Here are just some of the injuries I handle in Salinas and the surrounding areas:

Need the hours and parking at the Salinas Civil Court?

Here's what you need to know about the Monterey civil court hours and parking.


If you got hurt in Salinas and need a good attorney now, who will fight for you, please call me now at (408) 214-5555 or send me a message send me a message.

Let's talk about your case - the consultation is free.

Please visit our "Consultations" page to learn if a consultation fee is required. If it is, please pay it now, to receive a response to your contact. Kindly note that stand-alone consultations are unavailable for small claims court assistance. Thank you.
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My name is Renée Yvonne Gardner

I am a Salinas personal injury attorney, founder, owner and attorney of Gardner Law, a Salinas personal auto accident and injury law office. 

I represent people with personal injury and wrongful death cases in Monterey county

Contact Renée Today

For one-on-one and personalized representation in serious personal injury or death cases, or streamlined and efficient small claims court assistance for your consumer issue, I'm here to serve you.
