What Is The Dog Bite Scale?
Seasoned veterinarian, animal behaviorist, and writer Dr. Ian Dunbar created a six-level scale of dog bites. 1 The “Official Authorized Version” of Dr. Ian Dunbar's Dog Bite Scale assesses the severity of biting problems based on an objective evaluation of wound pathology. 2
Level 1: No Skin Contact
Obnoxious or aggressive behavior but no skin contact by teeth.
Level 2: Skin-Contact By Teeth But No Skin-Puncture
Skin contact by teeth but no skin puncture. However, skin nicks (less than one-tenth of an inch deep) and slight bleeding caused by forward or lateral movement of teeth against the skin, but no vertical punctures. Most bites fall under the Level 1 and Level 2 category.
Level 3: Up To 4 Punctures From A Single Bite
One to four punctures from a single bite with no puncture deeper than half the length of the dog's canine teeth. There may be lacerations in a single direction, caused by the victim pulling hand away, the owner pulling the dog away, or gravity (little dog jumps, bites, and drops to the floor).
Level 4: Up To 4 Punctures From A Single Bite; May Have Deep Bruising
One to four punctures from a single bite with at least one puncture deeper than half the length of the dog's canine teeth. May also have deep bruising around the wound (dog held on for “X” seconds and bore down) or lacerations in both directions (dog held on and shook its head from side to side).
Level 5: Multiple-Bite Incident
A multiple-bite incident with at least two Level 4 bites or multiple-attack incident with at least one Level 4 bite in each.
Level 6: Death
This is when the victim passes away from the dog bite. This is a Wrongful Death dog bite case.
Should I Make A Dog Bite Case Without An Attorney?
You can make dog bite claim alone, but it's best to hire an attorney right away to fight your dog bite case. If you hire me, I will work on your behalf and fight for maximum payment. Protect your rights by contacting me before you do anything besides: calling 911 and seek medical care.
I am Gardner Law's attorney Renée Yvonne Gardner. I speak Spanish - hablo español. I'm experienced with dog bite personal injury and wrongful death accident cases. If were bitten by a dog, contact me at (408) 214-5555 or fill out the contact form for a free consultation. If your loved one passed away after a dog bite, please call me about your wrongful death case.
Source: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers. “Dr. Ian Dunbar's Dog Bite Scale (Official Authorized Version)”.
None of the information on this website of Attorney Renée Yvonne Gardner is offered as medical advice. If you have been injured in any type of accident, please seek immediate medical attention and follow the advice of your doctor.