Timely Evidence Is The Key To Your Injury Auto Accident
After an injury traffic accident, documenting all the evidence right then and there is very important for making a strong case. As an attorney experienced in handling injury auto accidents, I urge you to document all the evidence that you can, right there at the scene, right after the crash.
Take Out Your Cell Phone And Start Documenting Your Case
Take Photos Of The People And Things Involved In The Crash
Witness names and contact info, photos of the accident scene and the people/vehicles involved, even photos of the traffic conditions and the weather conditions may help to make a case.
After the witnesses leave and the other party and their vehicle leave the scene, you won't be able to document this critical evidence. This is why, if you're physically able, you must work to document key evidence at the accident scene, immediately after the accident occurs.
A Picture Says A Thousand Words
My best tip is that you take as many pictures as you can.
Almost all of us carry our cell phones with us, and they all have cameras. If it is safe for you to do so, and it won't put you or others in danger, take pictures of these things and people:
1. The front, back, left and right of each vehicle, making sure to get the license plates, headlights and taillights in the front and back photos.
2. The interior of each vehicle, if it's possible to do so;
3. Where each car came to rest on the road (photo the street signs, traffic lights, businesses, and any landmarks that you can capture in the photos)
4. Marks left on the road by anyone's tires.
5. Broken glass, tree limbs, broken lights or car parts that are in the road.
6. Any other drivers
7. Any other passengers
8. The other drivers' drivers license and car insurance
9. The other passengers' drivers licenses
Write Down What Happened While It Is Fresh In Your Mind
What Should I Write Down Right After My Car Accident?
1. Where you started your trip before the crash occurred, and what time you left there
2. Where you were headed, and the time you thought you'd arrive.
3. Whether the other driver had a cell phone in their hand when then got out of their car.
4. Your speed right before the crash.
5. Was your car pushed from one place to another? Write down the details.
6. Did you hear any sounds before the crash? Note those too.
7. Was the road under construction at the time?
8. What were the weather conditions?
9. What were the lighting conditions?
10. How exactly the crash happened, step by step.
Write Down Exactly What Happened, Step by Step
You may think you will remember all the important stuff so there's no need to document. The truth is that accidents happen in the blink of an eye. You can be left feeling overwhelmed at what happened.
At my law practice, I frequently encounter injured people who, even a few days after the crash, can't remember important details about the witnesses, the accident scene, the people involved and the cars they were driving, the traffic conditions and the weather. And, they can forget exactly how the crash happened.
Once you document your evidence, you will always have it. It won't change with the passage of time. If you rely on your memory alone, it can change and even disappear over time.
Keep All Your Evidence Save
How can I keep my car crash evidence safe?
Email all photos to yourself and store them in the cloud. Print them, too, and keep them in a safe place. Don't save them to social media. Lastly, save them to your computer and all your devices, but only after emailing them to yourself and storing them in the cloud.
Why All These Steps? Won't The Insurance Be Fair With Me?
Why do I need to save all this auto accident evidence?
No. It's your job to document your own claim. Insurance companies are notorious for trying to reduce the value of claims and trying to get away without paying anything - - your own insurance company will do this to you too.
I'm Renée Yvonne Gardner, a personal injury attorney. For 16 years, I've fought for people injured and killed in traffic wrecks. Please reach out to me about your auto accident case.
With me, the initial consultation for injury and death auto accidents is always free. Please call me at 408-214-5555 if you want a lawyer who will work with you one-on-one from the start to the end of your important case.
Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels