Biden To Send Immigration Bill To Congress "On His First Day In Office"
January 18, 2021
President-Elect Biden will announce legislation his first day in office to provide a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants in the United States illegally, per an Associated Press San Diego report dated January 17, 2021. The report cites Ron Klain, Biden's incoming chief of staff's January 16, 2021 statement that “Biden will send an immigration bill to Congress ‘on his first day in office.' ” [1]
The Department of Homeland Security Department estimates there were 12 million people in the country illegally in 2015, nearly 80% of them for more than 10 years. [1]
Of these roughly 12 million people, more than half were Mexican. [1]
Spanish speaking Attorney Renee Yvonne Gardner is here to serve the needs of this Spanish speaking community, and all immigrant communities who need representation in their criminal cases or regarding criminal records.
President-elect Biden campaigned on a path to citizenship for the roughly 11 million people in the U.S. illegally, but it was unclear how quickly he would move while wrestling with the coronavirus pandemic, the economy and other priorities. For advocates, memories were fresh of presidential candidate Barack Obama pledging an immigration bill his first year in office, in 2009, but not tackling the issue until his second term, the source reports. [1]
Biden's plan is the opposite of Donald Trump, whose successful 2016 presidential campaign rested in part on curbing or stopping illegal immigration.
“This really does represent a historic shift from Trump's anti-immigrant agenda that recognizes that all of the undocumented immigrants that are currently in the United States should be placed on a path to citizenship,” said Marielena Hincapie, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, who was briefed on the bill, says this news report. [1]
Gardner Law Works Hand In Hand With Immigration Attorneys
Gardner Law's advice to persons seeking a work permit, residency, or a path to citizenship: You must meet certain legal requirements before applying or trying to renew. One requirement deals with an applicant's pending criminal cases, and their criminal history. While Gardner Law does not handle immigration cases, Attorney Renee Yvonne Gardner works hand in hand with immigration attorneys to pursue the best solution for our mutual clients, at the intersection of criminal law and immigration law.
Gardner Law Represents Immigrants In Pending Criminal Cases
In a case still pending in criminal court, Gardner Law's representation can impact the applicant seeking a work permit, residency, or a path to citizenship. All criminal cases have potential immigration consequences to explore and analyze. Attorney Renee Yvonne Gardner can work toward trying to achieve a more immigration favorable or immigration neutral solution in your pending criminal case.
This criminal defense representation can potentially open doors otherwise closed, as to an immigrant's efforts to try and achieve immigration status through currently available programs as well as under any potential Biden Administration changes. Criminal cases must generally be resolved before applying with immigration for the first time or for renewal. Check with your immigration attorney to be sure about what to do in your particular case.
Gardner Law Represents Immigrants With Existing Criminal Records
If you have any type of criminal record, do not apply with immigration for the first time, nor try to renew, until you first consult with an immigration attorney who will carefully analyze whether that is a good choice based on your particular record.
If your immigration attorney says it is advisable, Gardner Law can pursue post-conviction relief for you. Certain types of post-conviction relief have the potential to make or break the success of an otherwise eligible immigrant. The specific type of relief you might qualify to pursue depends on particular details of your criminal history and the advice of your immigration attorney.
If you are trying to apply to regularize or renew your immigration status, and have a criminal case pending, or already have a criminal record, call Gardner Law today at (408) 214-5555. Attorney Gardner also speaks Spanish.