Renee Yvonne Gardner (408) 214-5555
Wrongful Death Attorney
Fighting For Families Of Children Killed Crossing The Street In San Jose
The San Jose Police Department reports that on Friday, July 9, 2021, an 11-year-old boy crossing Camden Avenue near Kooser Road in San Jose was struck by an SUV at around 5:00 PM.
Tragically, the young boy died at the hospital after this crash.
Authorities claim that the SUV had the green light - - some may think this means the SUV walks away with no liability.
Just because a motorist has a green light does not mean they aren't legally responsible.
In California, a green light does not mean “go!”.
Here, a green light means “go” - - but only after making sure there are no hazards in the road close enough to constitute a hazard, such as a precious 11-year-old boy crossing the street in a marked crosswalk during daylight hours.
This crash marks the 27th. auto accident-related death in San Jose in 2021, and we've barely passed 2021's halfway mark.
To the loved ones of the 11-year-old boy who lost his life because of this crash:
I extend my most sincere and heartfelt condolences at the passing of your beloved, an 11-year-old boy who tragically lost his life as a result of this tragic accident.
My passion is holding wrongdoers to account for needless deaths they cause, which leave family members heartbroken and devastated.
I am wrongful death attorney Renée Yvonne Gardner. I fight wrongful death cases - here is the reason why.
This year, one precious human life was lost every 7 days in San Jose because someone made a mistake and caused a fatal crash.
The people who cause needless deaths must be held to account for that they did. I'm here to fight for those whose loved ones are lost in these tragic crashes.
Please call me today for a free consultation at (408) 214-5555 - please call because I want to hear from you. Or you can send me a message:
If a loved ones of the 11 year old boy who passed away due to this crash want this blog removed, please contact me at (408) 214-5555 or send me a message.
The post will be removed as soon as I receive your request.
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